Engadine Yoga & Pilates is at its heart, a place for all people to come and feel community, and be embraced in acceptance. We believe that all levels, genders, ethnicities, deserve a place to hold space, and to seek shelter from loneliness by making connections. Whether for a cup of tea and friendly conversation, or a class, we invite you into our community space.
EYP is a judgement free space, where we encourage you to have your experience and journey just as you are meant to experience it, each class. We will guide you through laughter, through reverence, through excitement and calm. We will nurture your personal practice at your pace, with no expectations or pressure. We believe yoga is for everybody, and that everyone can practice yoga. What makes yoga so powerful is its ability to teach everyone to approach life with love and compassion.
Michelle, our director, always knew something was missing from her life, although she could only sense the edges of the void, not what would fill it. Through global adventures, she discovered yoga, and knew within a few short sessions, that she had found her path. Her lessons have taken her all over the world, and through her practice she learned numerous yoga “styles” under many renowned yoga guru’s. Eventually, her practice brought her full circle, back to a love of the beginner’s journey, and a commitment to ego-free practice. Poses made for bodies, rather than bodies fit into poses.
Michelle is passionately dedicated to an open community, embracing all, no matter their forms, or paths;
I started EYP because I wanted to create a space where people could actually feel the acceptance, feel the warmth of the space, and feel the freedom from judgement… My main goal is to share the tools of compassion. Yoga is a tool that teaches us to respond, rather than to react.
Let’s continue to build bridges from heart to heart.